Module 6 – Environment & Network

Good work environments are fundamental, and the leader’s role and responsibility is evident.

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In several studies, employees and staff report having an authentic leader, one they believe is truly just him/herself, are more likely to describe a good work environment. Good leaders also develop and mentor their staff. In addition, successful leaders report strategic use of mentors themselves. We learn mostly through modeling observed behaviors. That is why mentors, peers and networks are essential when advancing as a leader. In this module, we will discuss the leader’s role in securing a healthy work environment, explore how to address adult learners, and how to use mentors, peers and networks in a strategic way to amplify leadership abilities.

Learning objectives


  • Increase understanding and importance of mentoring, networks and community of practice participation

Module 6a) Work environment, developing others & mentoring


It is important to understand that a leader’s attitude, authenticity and inspiration has an impact in the work environment. Mentoring, in regard to being mentored and mentoring others, is an important element of advancement as a leader. In Module 6a, we will discuss the dos and don'ts of mentoring. The understanding of how adults learn is important to ensure successful mentoring as well as providing guidance in a work environment, therefore we will introduce the concept of andragogy.


  1. Reflect upon the importance a leader can play in a positive work environment. What is your experience?
  2. Reflect on the call to develop your staff and employees, and identify the concrete initiatives you have done and other actions you can implement. 
  3. Think back on mentors you have had, and write down some key issues you pick from each. 
  4. What do you consider as the three key messages in Module 6a?


*We suggest to right-click and open each resource listed below in a different tab/window.

Module 6b) Community of Practice


Albert Bandura explains in his 1977 book Social Learning Theory, "most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions, this coded information serves as a guide for action." Learning at the workplace, and when you work in teams is essential. Peer mentoring is a form of mentoring that encourages a give-and-take dynamic, where employees offer advice and learn from each other. Module 6b will present how establishing or participating in a Community of Practice could be important for you as a leader.


  1. We presented various strategies to obtain leadership skills. Reflect on which you are most often using. Reflect on if some of the others could also be useful to you.
  2. We offer the following definition of peer mentoring - “A form of mentorship that usually takes place between a person who has lived through a specific experience (peer mentor) and a person who is new to that experience (the peer mentee)." Think back and ponder if you have experienced peer mentoring without calling it so, and in what ways was it helpful to you? What could you have done to make it more relevant and helpful?
  3. Find Figure 1 in the 'Resources' section below and reflect on who you would approach if you were to initiate a Community of Practice (CoP). 
  4. In Module 4 we discussed Teams and Team Building. Find Figure 2 in the 'Resources' section below and reflect on the differences between a team and a Community of Practice (CoP).
  5. What do you consider as the three key messages in Module 6b?


*We suggest to right-click and open each resource listed below in a different tab/window.

Module 6c) Networking


Networking is essential to any leader’s career. Personal, operational and strategic networks will serve you well as you advance in your leadership capacity. They are avenues for expanding horizon, exchanging ideas, improving qualifications and skills as well as growth in self-confidence.


  1. Reflect upon your networks. How have you used them so far? Is there any strategy behind your use? 
  2. Reflect on where you see yourself in 5 years. What kind of network do you need to cultivate in order to facilitate your advance? 
  3. What do you consider as the three key messages in Module 6c?


*We suggest to right-click and open each resource listed below in a different tab/window.


Continue to Wrap-up

Published Mar. 11, 2022 12:43 PM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2023 4:20 PM