The Lancet One Health Commission

The overarching aim of The Lancet One Health Commission is:

to synthesize the evidence supporting a One Health approach to enhancing health within an environment shared by humans and animals.

The commission’s work will explicate the significance of a One Health approach for policy, by engaging transdisciplinary expertise and perspectives from both the public and private sectors. From this follows four objectives:

  1. To synthesize evidence for the value of an integrated approach to multispecies health with respect to (a) the shared environment (b) safe food systems and resources, and (c) shared medicines and interventions, with an emphasis on infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, and antimicrobial resistance
  2. To identify stakeholders and motivating factors for their participation in an integrated approach to multispecies health and suggested strategies to engage with them
  3. To produce policy recommendations and enabling strategies to accelerate mainstreaming of an integrated approach to multispecies health
  4. To propose an investment framework for an integrated approach to multispecies health
Published Jan. 18, 2019 10:16 AM - Last modified May 10, 2020 12:28 AM