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European Web Survey on Drugs

Led by SERAF and HDir, along with European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), Norway joins the European Web Survey on Drugs this year.

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European Web Survey on Drugs logo

EMCDDA conducts this online survey every year. Those who respond to the survey are anonymous and, of course, it is voluntary to participate.

The goal is to collect information on experiences and patterns in (illegal) drug use from people with personal experience so that, for example, we can compare patterns of drug use between users in different countries in Europe.

The type of information collected includes: how often people use various substances, how they take them, amounts used, etc.

With this information, we hope to present a more detailed picture of usage in Europe that can be used to inform future European and national drug policies.

At EMCDDA, data from the project is an important tool to be able to respond quickly to changes or signals about dangerous drug use trends, etc.

According to the plan, participation in this survey will include 36 countries in Europe. For us in Norway, this will be the first year we are participating.

The survey opens on May 21, 2024, and will remain open for 6 weeks.

It is expected to take about 15 minutes to complete the survey, which can be done on a smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.


Published May 21, 2024 1:48 PM - Last modified May 21, 2024 1:51 PM