
Key publications

  • Qureshi et al. (2019) The glutamine transporter Slc38a1 regulates GABAergic neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity. Cerebral Cortex, Volume 29, Issue 12, December 2019, Pages 5166–5179
  • Hamdani EH, Gudbrandsen M, Bjørkmo M, Chaudhry FA (2012) The system N transporter SN2 doubles as a transmitter precursor furnisher and a potential regulator of NMDA receptors. Glia, 60(11):1671–1683 [Epub 2012 Jul 20.]
  • Nissen-Meyer LSH, Popescu MC, Hamdani EH, Chaudhry FA (2011) PKC-mediated phosphorylation of a single serine residue on the rat glial glutamine transporter SN1 governs its membrane trafficking. J Neurosci, 31(17):6565-75.
  • Jenstad M, Quazi AZ, Zilberter M, Haglerød C, Berghuis P, Saddique N, Goiny M, Buntup D, Davanger S, Haug FMS, Barnes CA, McNaughton BL, Ottersen OP, Storm-Mathisen J, Harkany T, Chaudhry FA (2009) System A transporter SAT2 mediates replenishment of dendritic glutamate pools controling retrograde signaling by glutamate. Cereb Cortex, 19:1092-1106. [Epub 2008 Oct 1.]
  • Boulland JL, Jenstad M, Boekel AJ, Wouterlood FG, Edwards RH, Storm-Mathisen J, Chaudhry FA (2009) Vesicular glutamate and GABA transporters sort to distinct sets of vesicles in a population of presynaptic terminals. Cereb Cortex, 19(1):241-8. Epub 2008 May 22.
  • Solbu TT, Boulland JL, Zahid W, Bredahl MKL, Amiry-Moghaddam M, Storm-Mathisen J, Roberg BA, Chaudhry FA (2005) Induction and targeting of the glutamine transporter SN1 to the basolateral membranes of cortical kidney tubule cells during chronic metabolic acidosis suggest a role in pH regulation. J Am Soc Nephrol, 16(4):869-877. [Epub 2005 Feb 16].
  • Fremeau RT, Jr., Kam K, Qureshi T, Johnson J, Copenhagen DR, Storm-Mathisen J, Chaudhry FA, Nicoll RA, Edwards RH (2004) Vesicular glutamate transporters 1 and 2 target to functionally distinct synaptic release sites. Science, 304:1815-1819.
  • Chaudhry FA, Schmitz D, Reimer RJ, Larsson P, Gray AT, Nicoll R, Kavanaugh M, Edwards RH (2002) Glutamine uptake by neurons: interaction of protons with system A transporters. J Neurosci, 22:62-72.
  • Chaudhry FA, Krizaj D, Larsson P, Reimer RJ, Wreden C, Storm-Mathisen J, Copenhagen D, Kavanaugh MP, Edwards RH (2001) Coupled and uncoupled proton movement by amino acid transport system N. EMBO J, 20:7041-7051.
  • Chaudhry FA, Reimer RJ, Krizaj D, Barber D, Storm-Mathisen J, Copenhagen DR, Edwards RH (1999) Molecular analysis of System N suggests novel physiological roles in nitrogen metabolism and synaptic transmission. Cell, 99:769-780.
  • Chaudhry FA, Lehre KP, Van Lookeren Campagne M, Ottersen OP, Danbolt NC, Storm-Mathisen J (1995) Glutamate transporters in glial plasma membranes: highly differentiated localizations revealed by quantitative ultrastructural immunocytochemistry. Neuron, 15:711-720.
Published Dec. 12, 2014 1:15 PM - Last modified Oct. 8, 2021 2:18 PM