
We possess the technology to collect, store, distribute and process huge amounts of data. Fantastically precious data, yet complex and incomplete.

Statistics provides the methods for understanding data and learning about the world from data. Because knowledge is fragmented and data are incomplete, discoveries and decisions are uncertain. Statistics is the science to quantify how confident we are in our knowledge, to quantify risk and to make predictions and take decisions under uncertainty.

Medical sciences, from molecular biology to epidemiology, poses new challenges to modern statistics: much data from different sources is collected, but it is often hard to detect the few critical and informative ones; data is extremely complex, because we measure more in depth; there is a need to integrate data from different sources, and of different quality in a single inferential frame, to increase power; and finally, the easy part of the analysis has been done, and it is necessary to discover “second order effects”, interactions and other signals covered by much noise. Moving from this perspective, we will identify for the future new challenging projects.

Take contact with us, if you we can share our curiosity with you.

Published Feb. 22, 2011 6:27 PM - Last modified May 2, 2011 5:29 PM