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Frailty and cancer

Our group consists of clinicians and researchers with an interest in geriatric oncology and frailty assessments.

Our main research areas are preoperative assessment of older patients prior to cancer surgery or TAVI, geriatric assessment and intervention, shared decision-making, and functional trajectories. 

About the group

The group members primarily conduct clinical and epidemiological research in topics such as preoperative assessments of older patients prior to cancer surgery or TAVI, geriatric assessment and intervention, assessment of benefit versus risk of interventions in older adults, multimorbidity, prehabilitation, shared decision-making, coordination of care, quality of life, functional trajectories and cognitive impairment.

Longterm goals

Our major aim is to improve the care trajectory for older patients in the specialized health care system by implementing geriatric assessment and management for all vulnerable older adults who undergo cancer treatment or other invasive procedures.

A specific aim is also to implement prehabilitation in cancer surgery. We also participate in research to promote patient priorities integration into clinical decisions by improving shared decision-making and advance care planning.


Here is an overview over our current projects.

  • Frailty and cognitive function in older adults undergoing TAVI
    PhD project, Tora Engstad
  • GerOnTe - Streamlined Geriatric and Oncological evaluation based on IC Technology for holistic patient-oriented healthcare management for older multimorbid patients (H2020 funded project 2021).
    Siri Rostoft is a consortium partner, on behalf of OUH
  • Vulnerability measures in older adults with cancer, and their potential covariance and Impact
    PhD project, Magnus Harneshaug
  • Geriatric assessment with management for older patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy. A Norwegian cluster-randomised controlled pilot study
    PhD project, Inga Røyset
  • Stråleterapistudien. Bedre livskvalitet og funksjon for eldre kreftpasienter som får ekstern strålebehandling – en prospektiv observasjonsstudie
    PhD project, Guro Falk Eriksen


  • SIOG – International Society for Geriatric Oncology
  • AFS – Forskningssenter for aldersrelatert funksjonssvikt og sykdom, sykehuset Innlandet
  • NTNU – Norges teknisk vitenskapelige universitet
  • SLE – Senter for medisinsk etikk
  • FHI - Folkehelseinstituttet
Published May 25, 2022 2:28 PM - Last modified June 7, 2023 1:09 PM


Group leader


Detailed list of participants