Pilar Ayuda-Durán is awarded by the Spanish association for cancer research

Pilar Ayuda-Durán received an award from ASEICA, the Spanish association for cancer research, recognizing her work in the promotion of scientific vocations.

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Here is what Pilar has to say -

 "A few months ago, framed in the activities of the 11 th  of February - international day for girls and women in science, I took part in the #CONOCELAS event organized by @ASEICA. The idea was to bring to light women dedicated to cancer research and to promote scientific vocations in the new generations of students. We also wanted to show that researchers, both men and women, are real people who love their job and science, but also have their own life, hobbies, and dreams. We give a real picture of what scientists and researchers are, far away from the image that you can find in movies and television shows.

Several important points that I tried to stress was that coming from a small town, as is my case, is not a handicap for becoming a researcher and that you can participate in the same research project coming from very different disciplines: medicine, biology, mathematics , informatics, physics, chemistry… But more importantly, I encourage the students to find what they are passionate about, which is not always science, and to pursue it.

As we say in Conócelas, If I can, you can! "



Published May 25, 2022 1:18 PM - Last modified May 25, 2022 1:18 PM