Norwegian version of this page

Division of Clinical Neuroscience

The clinic is responsible for diagnosis, treatment and research within the disciplines of neurology, neurosurgery, neuro habilitation, physical medicine and rehabilitation and complex epilepsy.

Research at the clinic emphasizes high ethical standard and quality, aiming at improving diagnostics and treatment for all our patients.

Research is organized in 16 groups, encompassing a broad range of professionals with competence within basic medicine, epidemiology, genetics and clinical research.

Research groups at NVR

These are the division's research groups in English. 
There might be more group webpages in Norwegian.



Postal address Postboks 4956 Nydalen, OUS, Ullevål, 0424 Oslo Visiting address Kirkeveien 166 OUS Ullevål 0450 Oslo

Unit codes

Cost center 13155000 Purchasing, finance, salary and more Old unit ID 534200 Vortex, FS and more