Bærekraft & ensomhet

Ensomme er forstått som samfunnets problem (NOU 2019): historisk sett er: «de dumme, de slemme, de gale, de sårbare og nå også de ensomme er samfunnets ansvar».

Bildet kan inneholde: font, elektrisk blå, terrestrisk plante, merke, grafikk.

Her er lenken til YouTube, hvor du kan se webinaret Bærekraft & ensomhet. 

I 2030 agendaen står det: I 2015 ble 2030-agendaen med de 17 bærekraftsmålene vedtatt av alle FNs medlemsland. Bærekraftsmålene ser miljø, økonomi og sosial utvikling i sammenheng. Et sentralt prinsipp i 2030-agendaen er at ingen skal utelates. De mest sårbare og marginaliserte menneskene og gruppene i verden skal inkluderes i utviklingen. Bærekraftsmålene krever felles innsats fra myndigheter, sivilsamfunn, privat sektor og akademia i alle land.

I dette webinaret vil Marit Haldar snakke om ensomhet som søstera til fellesskapet og se på bærekraftig ensomhetspolitikk.


This seminar will be in Norwegian.

Keynote speaker:

panne, nese, smil, dame
Marit Haldar  is professor at Oslo Metropolitan University and director of CEDIC (Centre for the study of digitalization of public services and citizenship)


Student Ida Maria Martinsson, studies medicine at University of Oslo, and is engaged in Professor Dan Baniks work for SHE in work packages 3.


Tony J. Sandset is a researcher in SHE. He works in medical anthropology, cultural history, science and technology studies and his areas of expertise are the social science of HIV/AIDS prevention; critical race and ethnic studies, mixed race studies, sexuality, Foucault, and discourse analysis. He launched the book “Sustainable Sexual Health” together with Kristin M. Heggen and Eivind Engebretsen on Routledge in January 2021.


Please register here. You will receive a zoom-link one day ahead of the seminar. 

This seminar is a cooperation between SHE and Oslo Met.

Seminars on Sustainability and Health issues

SHE launches a series of seminars on sustainability related to health issues in different forms and in cooperation with different institutions. The seminars will be geared towards both academics, students, and the broader public at large and as such the lectures should be accessible to a diverse range of people. 

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the seminar will be held on Zoom. A Zoom link will be circulated prior to the seminar alongside the invitation and dissemination information about the seminar. The seminars will be recorded and published on YouTube afterwards. 

The seminars will be held as follows:

1: Sustainability & Democracy

2: Sustainability & Loneliness

3: Sustainability & Otherness

4: Sustainability & Nutrition

5: Sustainability & Covid-19

6: Sustainability & Internet & Knowledge formation

7: Sustainability & The free market

Emneord: shesumdemocracysustainabilityHealth

Emneord: sustainability, Loneliness, Health, Education
Publisert 26. apr. 2021 20:40 - Sist endret 10. mai 2022 10:26