EuHEA Seminar Series spring 2021

EuHEA seminar series, every Thursday at 14:00. 

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Presenting June 17th

Daim Syukriyah: Improving Health Insurance Coverage for the Poor

Photo: private

Chair: Trine Kjær

Discussant: Søren Ruud Kristensen


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The seminars are for free. 

This paper evaluates the effects of the universal poverty database (UDB) reform in Indonesia in 2013 - intended to improve poverty targeting and to extend health insurance coverage for the poor. The reform aimed to identify the 40 percent poorest households. We employ an event study method to estimate the impacts of the reform on health insurance coverage across “poverty” quintiles, measured by per capita consumption. We then also examine the effects of the reform on the healthcare utilisation and private spending on health.

Our results suggest that the reform i) did indeed increased insurance coverage among the poorest quintile substantially - 14 percentage points in the first quarter of 2013 and 17 percentage points in the last quarter of the year; ii) raised health insurance coverage among the second poorest quintile by around 10 percentage points immediately and 14 percentage points in the following quarters. Yet, while successful in targeting the poor, the estimated effects of the reform on subsequent quintiles point to substantive “leakage” in targeting: health insurance coverage through Jamkesmas was intended to provide free insurance only to the poorest 40 percent. Yet, health insurance after the reform also increased across the richer household groups, albeit to a lesser extent and impacts are linearly decreasing across quintiles.

Despite improvement in the health insurance rates, we find limited improvement on the healthcare utilisation after the reform across household quintiles. This result stays unchanged after examining effects of the reform on healthcare utilisation between districts with high and low supply of medical providers. It shows that current variations in healthcare infrastructure cannot explain the limited improvement in the healthcare utilisation services. Consistent with our finding on health insurance rates, households’ out-of-pocket spending on health decreased for approximately 20 percentage points suggesting that the reform reduced the financial burdens on households.

More about: Daim Syukriyah


Dato Tema

Women in Distress: Mental Health and the COVID19 Pandemic

Emilia Barili, University of Genoa


Factors associated with lockdown opinions during the second national lockdown in France, attitudes toward the end-of year celebrations and the use of digital contact-tracing ‘TousAntiCovid’

Pauline Kergall, University of Montpellier


An App Call a Day Keeps the Patient Away? On the Substitution of Online and In-Person Doctor Consultations

Lina Maria Ellegård, University of Lund


Devil in the details: How urgency and costs influence the effects of cost-sharing on healthcare service consumption patterns

Michael Berger, Medical University of Vienna


Quality provision in hospital markets with demand inertia: The role of patient expectations

Luís Sá, University of Minho


Do the guidelines apply to me? - Patient information and physician agency in prenatal diagnostics

Nis Lydiksen, University of Southern Denmark


Do subsidized nursing homes and home care teams reduce hospital bed-blocking? Evidence from Portugal

Ana Moura, Tilburg University


How Distorted Food Prices Discourage a Healthy Diet

Thijs van Rens, University of Warwick


Lifetime Healthcare Expenditures Across Socio-Economic Groups: Wiping Out the Gradient

Alexander Overdal Kjærsgaard Marin, University of Aarhus


The Long-Term Effects of Hospital Deliveries in Sweden

Nikolaos Prodromidis, University of Duisburg-Essen


The effect of pharmaceutical innovation on longevity: evidence from the U.S. and 39 countries

Frank Lichtenberg


Why is End-of-Life Spending So High? Evidence from Cancer Patients

Dan Zeltzer

13.5 No seminar

From each according to means, to each according to needs? Distributional effects of abolishing asset-based payments for residential care in Austria

Ricardo Rodrigues


The seen and the unseen: Impact of a conditional cash transfer program on prenatal sex selection

Sayli Javadekar, University of Bath 


Volume-Outcome Relation in Elective Surgery. An application to hip replacement in Italy

Francesca Cassanelli, University of Bologna


Furloughs, Teleworking and Other Work Situations during the COVID-19 Lockdown: Impact on Mental Well-Being

 Israel Escudero-Castillo, University of Ovideo


Improving Health Insurance Coverage for the Poor

Daim Syukriyah, University of London

Contact UiO: 

Kristi Brinkmann Lenander 

In response to the cancellation of the in-person EuHEA 2020 conference in Oslo, the EuHEA Seminar Series was launched with the joint efforts of Oslo’s scientific committee, EuHEA and countries’ representatives. Invitation of seminar speakers was initially guided by review scores for papers submitted to the EuHEA 2020 conference in Oslo. The web-based seminars provided a venue for bringing together the Health Economics community for sharing and discussing research. Following the success of the virtual seminar series in fall 2020, seminars will continue in 2021.

Publisert 2. feb. 2021 15:00 - Sist endret 23. des. 2021 12:36