Berrios G, Retterstøl N. Foreword in Wimmer A: Psychogenic Psychoses. Edited and translated with introduction by Johan Schioldann. Adelaide Academic Press, Adelaide 2003.

Gjertsen F: Selvmord og kjønn i et epidemiologisk perspektiv. Suicidologi 2003;8(3):7-9

Gjertsen F: Utviklingstendenser i selvmord. Datagrunnlag, kvalitet og sammenliknbarhet. MPH 33:2003. Gøteborg: Nordiska högskolan för folkhälsovetenskap 2003. 51 s.

Mehlum L: Selvmordsforebyggende strategi for England. Suicidologi 2003;8(1):16-19.

Mehlum L: National strategies for suicide prevention. Educational aspects. In: Vijayakumar L (ed): Suicide Prevention. Meeting the challenge together.Chennai, India: Orient Longman 2003.

Mehlum L: Strategies for early intervention after trauma adopted by the Norwegian Armed Forces. I: R.Orner & U. Schnyder (eds). Reconstructing Early Intervention after Trauma – Innovations in the Care of Survivors.. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003.

Mehlum L: Traumatic stress and suicidal behaviour. I Hawton K (ed). The Nature, Treatment and Prevention of Suicidal Behaviour: From Science to Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003. (I trykken).

Mehlum L: Lessons learned from peace-keeping forces. 8th European Congress on Traumatic Stress; Berlin, 28.05.2003 - 30.05.2003. Publisert i: European Psychotherapy 4:16-17.

Mehlum L: Prevention of suicide and premature mortality in a European perspective. European Commission Conference on Mental Health; Bilbao 09.10.2003 - 11.10.2003. Report European Commission Directorate of Health and Consumer Protection, Luxembourg, 2003.

Mehlum L; Ystgaard M; Ekeid G; Mork E: Psychosocial Follow-up after Parasuicide in Norwegian General Hospitals. Nordic Congress of Psychiatry; 13.08.2003 - 16.08.2003. Publisert i: The Icelandic Medical Journal 89(48):17.

Malt U, Retterstøl N, Dahl AA: Lærebok i psykiatri. Gyldendal akademisk, Oslo 2003

Retterstøl N; Mehlum L: Attempted suicide as a risk factor for suicide: Treatment and follow-up. In: Wasserman D (ed). Suicide – an unnecessary death. London: Martin Dunitz 2003. (På russisk).

Retterstøl N i samarbeid med Jørgensen J: I grenseland. Fra en psykiaters liv. . Damms forlag, Oslo 2003.

Thoresen S; Mehlum L; Møller B: Suicide in peacekeepers. A cohort study of mortality from suicide in 22,275 Norwegian veterans from international peacekeeping operations. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2003;38(11):605-610.

Thoresen S; Mehlum L. Risk factors for fatal accidents and suicides in peacekeepers: Is there an overlap? Military Medicine. In press 2003.

Walby, FA.: Evidensbasert psykoterapi; en metode for kliniske beslutninger, -ikke et forskningsdesign. Impuls. Tidskrift for psykologi 2003;53(1):85-91.

Walby FA, Mehlum L: Feil om selvmord og psykiatri. Debattinnlegg. Morgenbladet, 13.06.03.

Walby FA: Den selvfortreffelige psykoterapeut. Debattinnlegg. Dagbladet. 18.10.03.

Ystgaard M: Villet egenskade blant ungdom: nye forskningsresultater og konsekvenser for forebyggende arbeid. Suicidologi 2003;8(2):7-10.

Ystgaard M; Hestetun I; Loeb M; Mehlum L: Is there a specific relationship between childhood sexual and physical abuse and repeated suicidal behaviour? Child Abuse & Neglect. In press 2003.

Ystgaard M; Reinholdt NP; Husby J; Mehlum L: Villet egenskade blant ungdom. Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening 2003;123(16):2241-2286

Published Oct. 11, 2017 2:15 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2022 12:45 PM